Onsite HAZWOPER General Site Worker (Part II)

Dates:December 12, 2025
Meets:F from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location:UT Arlington TBA
Cost: $350.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


HM 241H
Onsite General Site Worker (Part II)

8 Hours | $295
Contract Price: $5,000

The onsite HAZWOPER course is designed to fulfill the site-specific and hands-on training requirements, as described in OSHA Interpretation Letter dated 11/22/94. This training includes the donning, doffing, and use of specific Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required as well as site-specific hands-on task training tailored to the participant’s assigned duties.

Fee: $350.00

UT Arlington TBA

The University of Texas at Arlington
Continuing Education and Workforce Development (CEWF)

140 W. Mitchell Street, Arlington, Texas 76019
Phone: 866-906-9190

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