Being a Medical Coder

Medical billing and coding deal with the financial and patient communication among medical practices. They are responsible for patient files and notes. People working in this career may also process payments, including send out bills and dealing with insurance claims. This Medical Coding and Billing course, offered by our accredited school partners, will provide you with the skills you need to perform the required tasks in this career field.

    Students will learn:
  • An overview of healthcare and the insurance industry
  • The organization and use of the ICD-10-CM, CPT, and HCPCS manuals to identify correct codes
  • Detailed review and practice using the alphabetic index and tabular list of the ICD-10-CM
  • Detailed review and practice coding examples from the CPT
  • Basic claims processes for insurance and 3rd-party reimbursements
  • Completing common insurance forms, tracing delinquent claims, and appealing denied claims
Enroll through one of our accredited university or college partners today!

To register and get more information you will be directed to our online provider World Education

The University of Texas at Arlington in partnership with World Education offers a wide variety of self-pace online certificate courses. To get a complete list of courses please visit our website at:


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