Effective Writing Techniques- Online

Dates:August 31, 2050
Meets:W from 12 M to 12:00 AM
Cost: $75.00

Seating is Limited. Call 817-272-2581 to register


This course is designed to teach participants current approaches to specialized writing including technical writing, business, and the military style of writing. Critical and historical analyses are supplemented by assignments in writing.

To register you will need an account setup with DEDTraining.com

GSA pricing may apply to some courses, please call our office for more information.


Please note: A percentage of 80% or higher is considered passing for the test associated with this online course. Upon completion and passing the test, you will be able to download a certification of completion. You will only have one opportunity to pass the test. If you do not pass the test, you will be required to register and pay again to retake the course and test.
Fee: $75.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Full Fee$ 75.00
Course Fee (Alternate)GSA Discount$ 71.78


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