Accounts Payable Manager Certification - Exam Cost Included

Prepare for the Accounts Payable Manager (APM) Certification exam and learn best practices for managing your team now and in the future.

This course will prepare you for the Institute of Finance & Management's (IOFM) Accounts Payable Manager (APM) certification, the gold standard within the financial operations industry. You will gain key AP skills, including leadership, internal controls and oversight, and process improvement.

With the world of financial operations evolving at the speed of technology, certified APMs are in demand. In fact, more than 25,000 of your peers have advanced their careers with IOFM certification. Whether you're new to AP or have been in AP for years, this Accounts Payable Manager course is designed for you.

To register and get more information you will be directed to our online provider Ed2Go

The University of Texas at Arlington in partnership with Ed2Go offers a wide verity of self-paced online certificate courses.

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