ICD-10 Medical Coding
Prepare for the future of medical coding by mastering the steps for using the ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS to code medical diagnoses and procedures.
ICD-10 is an upgraded diagnostic and procedural medical coding system that, by law, must be implemented throughout the healthcare industry. This new coding system is radically different from the version currently in use, so it's important to start preparing for and implementing the massive changes to the existing coding system. This online course offers you comprehensive, robust training in diagnostic and procedural coding, using the ICD-10-CM (diagnostic) and ICD-10-PCS (procedural) coding manuals.
This training includes detailed instructions for using the coding manuals, understanding the coding guidelines, and accurately applying the ICD-10 coding steps. There are more than 40 quizzes and exams for diagnoses and procedures by body system to test your knowledge and understanding. In addition, you will find information on the impact of the coding changes on medical coders, healthcare staff, physicians, software systems, documentation, and information technology.
To register and get more information you will be directed to our online provider Ed2Go
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