Texas Real Estate Licensing

Powered by The CE Shop

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Through a partnership with The CE Shop, we are proud to provide you with the highest-quality online Real Estate Pre-Licensing, Post-Licensing and Continuing Education courses. These are state-approved, self-paced courses that you can take in the comfort of your own home or anywhere you have internet access.

How to Get Your License

Interested in becoming a real estate agent? We provide new licensee candidates everything they need to complete the education requirements online and pass the real estate licensing exam. Our complete Pre-Licensing packages are online, self-paced, interactive courses that teach you everything you'll need to take the real estate licensing exam, using real-life, inquiry-based scenarios.


Texas requires six 30-hour courses to get your real estate license: Principles of Real Estate I, Principles of Real Estate II, Law of Agency, Law of Contracts, Promulgated Contract Forms, and Real Estate Finance.


Our clients overwhelmingly love their courses. We like to think our features, support, and intuitive interface have something to do with that.

In addition to our partnership with The CE Shop, we also offer the following online courses.

Click the course Title link for more information.

Click the course Title link for more information.

Texas Real Estate Pre-Licensing Course: 180 Hour TX Sales Career Starter PackageOnline599.00
Texas Real Estate Pre-Licensing Course: 180 Hour TX Sales Career Essential Standard PackageOnline695.00
Texas Real Estate Pre-Licensing Course: 180 Hour TX Sales Career Builder Value PackageOnline795.00
Texas Real Estate Pre-Licensing Course: 180 Hour TX Sales Career Accelerator Premium PackageOnline1185.00
Texas Real Estate Post-Licensing Course: 90 Hour TX SAE PackageOnline409.00
Texas Real Estate Post-Licensing Course: 98 Hour TX SAE Package (includes Legal Updates I and II)Online455.00
Texas Real Estate Broker Course: 270 Hour TX Broker Pre-Licensing PackageOnline1025.00
The Analysis and Valuation of StocksOnline135.00
Teaching Students With ADHDOnline139.00
Teaching Students With Autism: Strategies for SuccessOnline139.00
The Differentiated Instruction and Response to Intervention ConnectionOnline139.00
Response to Intervention: Reading Strategies That WorkOnline135.00
Teaching Smarter With SMART BoardsOnline139.00
Start Your Own Arts and Crafts BusinessOnline139.00
Veterinary Assistant SeriesOnline495.00
Written Communication for Business SuiteOnline370.00
Web Design Value SuiteOnline360.00
Speed Spanish SeriesOnline350.00
Workplace Law Essentials Value SuiteOnline240.00
Writing and Editing Value SuiteOnline350.00
Soft Skills SuiteOnline375.00
SQL SeriesOnline240.00
Supervision and Management SeriesOnline255.00
SAT/ACT Prep SeriesOnline235.00
Stock Trading SuiteOnline350.00
Visual Basic SeriesOnline240.00
Real Estate SuiteOnline350.00
Supply Chain SuiteOnline375.00
Sales Training SuiteOnline355.00
Self-Improvement SuiteOnline340.00
Small Business SuiteOnline360.00
Writing Fiction SeriesOnline215.00
TEAS Prep SeriesOnline235.00
Supervisor SuiteOnline370.00
Secrets of the CatererOnline135.00
Start Your Own Small BusinessOnline139.00
Small Business Marketing on a ShoestringOnline139.00
Solving Classroom Discipline ProblemsOnline139.00
Starting a NonprofitOnline145.00
Skills for Making Great DecisionsOnline145.00
Solving Classroom Discipline Problems IIOnline139.00
Secrets of Better PhotographyOnline135.00
Write Effective Web ContentOnline139.00
Start Your Own Gift Basket BusinessOnline139.00
Using the Internet in the ClassroomOnline139.00
The Keys to Effective EditingOnline139.00
Working Successfully With Learning Disabled StudentsOnline139.00
The Craft of Magazine WritingOnline139.00
Start a Pet Sitting BusinessOnline139.00
Winning RFP ResponsesOnline145.00
Real Estate LawOnline139.00
Understanding the Human Resources FunctionOnline145.00
Romance WritingOnline125.00
Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh, My!Online135.00
Start Your Own Arts and Crafts BusinessOnline139.00
Supply Chain Management FundamentalsOnline145.00
Teaching Science: Grades 4-6Online135.00
Start Your Own Edible GardenOnline139.00
Start and Operate Your Own Home-Based BusinessOnline139.00
Survival Kit for New TeachersOnline139.00
Spanish for Law EnforcementOnline139.00
Spanish for Medical Professionals IIOnline145.00
Using Social Media in BusinessOnline145.00
Spanish for Medical ProfessionalsOnline145.00
Speed Spanish IIOnline135.00
Speed Spanish IIIOnline135.00
Speed SpanishOnline135.00
Spanish in the ClassroomOnline139.00
Start Your Own Online BusinessOnline139.00
Spanish for Law Enforcement (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Wireless Networking (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Talent and Performance Management (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online145.00
Secrets of the Caterer (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
The Craft of Magazine Writing (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Writing the Fantasy Novel (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online125.00
Transactional DraftingOnline139.00
Things Every Developer Should KnowOnline105.00
Teaching Science: Grades 4-6 (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
UI/UX Design (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Winning RFP Responses (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online145.00
Twelve Steps to a Successful Job Search (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online145.00
Spanish For Medical Professionals (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online145.00
Understanding Adolescents (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
Speed Spanish (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
Speed Spanish II (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
Response to Intervention: Reading Strategies That Work (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh, My! (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
Secrets of Better Photography (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
The Keys to Effective Editing (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Write Fiction Like a Pro (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online125.00
Real Estate Investing (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
Using Social Media in Business (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online145.00
Start Your Own Small Business (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Writing Effective Grant Proposals (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online145.00
Understanding the Human Resources Function (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online145.00
Solving Classroom Discipline Problems (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Teaching Students With ADHD (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Teaching Students With Autism: Strategies for Success (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Teaching Adult Learners (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Teaching Writing: Grades K-3 (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Spanish in the Classroom (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Teaching Smarter With SMART BoardsOnline139.00
Teaching Preschool: A Year of Inspiring Lessons (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
SAT/ACT Prep Course - Part 1 (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
TEAS Prep 1 (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
TEAS Prep 2 (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
Writeriffic: Creativity Training for Writers (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online125.00
Solving Classroom Discipline Problems II (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Speed Spanish III (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
Real Estate Law (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Skills for Making Great Decisions (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online145.00
Supply Chain Management Fundamentals (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online145.00
Resume Writing WorkshopOnline145.00
Start Your Own Edible Garden (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
The Analysis and Valuation of Stocks (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
Start and Operate Your Own Home-Based Business (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
The Creative Classroom (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Start a Pet Sitting Business (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Start Your Own Online Business (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Small Business Marketing on a Shoestring (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Workers' Compensation (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Teaching Math: Grades 4-6 (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
SAT/ACT Prep Course - Part 2 (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online135.00
Teaching Writing: Grades 4-6 (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Spanish for Medical Professionals II (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online145.00
Veterinary Medical Terminology (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online145.00
Using the Internet in the Classroom (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Total Quality Fundamentals (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online145.00
Writing for ESL (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online125.00
Write and Publish Your Nonfiction Book (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online125.00
Research Methods for Writers (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online109.00
Survival Kit for New Teachers (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Understanding the Cloud (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Teaching Adult LearnersOnline139.00
The Creative ClassroomOnline139.00
Teaching High School StudentsOnline139.00
Teaching Math: Grades 4-6Online139.00
SAT/ACT Prep Course - Part 2Online135.00
Talent and Performance ManagementOnline145.00
Teaching Preschool: A Year of Inspiring LessonsOnline139.00
Six Sigma: Total Quality ApplicationsOnline145.00
Six Sigma: Total Quality FundamentalsOnline145.00
Travel WritingOnline125.00
TEAS Prep 1Online135.00
TEAS Prep 2Online135.00
Teaching Writing: Grades K-3Online139.00
UI/UX DesignOnline139.00
Understanding AdolescentsOnline135.00
Understanding the CloudOnline139.00
Veterinary Medical TerminologyOnline145.00
Writeriffic: Creativity Training for WritersOnline125.00
Workers' CompensationOnline139.00
Where Does All My Money Go?Online135.00
Writing for ChildrenOnline125.00
Writing for ESLOnline135.00
Writing the Fantasy NovelOnline125.00
Writing Effective Grant ProposalsOnline145.00
Write Fiction Like a ProOnline125.00
Wireless NetworkingOnline139.00
Write and Publish Your Nonfiction BookOnline125.00
Writing EssentialsOnline139.00
Teaching Writing: Grades 4-6Online139.00
Writing Young Adult FictionOnline125.00

These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.


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