image of people discussing a project

The Division for Enterprise Development can provide customized curriculum development, program evaluation, and specialized training for our growing workforce. Collaborating with state workforce agencies, local workforce solutions, and other represented workers program, DED’s project teams include experienced leaders, instructional designers, subject matter experts, and trainers. Total solutions include proven train-the-trainer (T3) and certificate programs recognized by government and industry.

Curriculum Development

Utilizing proven methods and industry standards, DED workforce solution teams will work closely with the client to establish a structured training philosophy, framework, sequence, integration of interdisciplinary approaches, assessment, revision and sustainment. Flexibility and innovation are key factors of our successful design, development, and implementation of our customized curriculum services.

Program Evaluation

DED’s approach to program evaluation is a systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and using information to answer questions about projects, policies, and programs, particularly about their effectiveness and efficiency. Our clients and stakeholders want to know if the programs they are funding, implementing, and voting for are actually having the intended effect. Our workforce development teams are focused on end-item improvements and sustainability to provide a return on investment for our customers, best value, and the availability of quality training for students.


DED training is focused on the student’s acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of our vocational or practical skill training and gaining the knowledge that relates to specific useful competencies in the workplace. Our instruction meets specific goals of improving student's capability, capacity, and performance, and the quality or our performance is matched by the experienced instructors and subject matter experts that contribute to the classroom delivery.


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