Dates:January 21-24, 2025
Meets:Tu, W, Th and F from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location:Associated General Contractors Houston Houston, TX
Cost: $650.00

There are 4 openings remaining at this time.



OSHA #510

Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Construction

30 Hours | $595; $650*
Contract Price: $8,000; $9,000*

This course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.

  • Select the appropriate OSHA standards that apply to a hazard
  • Identify elements of a successful construction safety program
  • Identify the more frequently cited OSHA standards
  • Implement an effective recordkeeping procedure

  • Introduction to OSHA
  • Hazard Violation Search Workshop
  • Safety programs
  • Recordkeeping
  • Hazard communication
  • Health hazards in construction
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Fire protection and prevention
  • Materials handling
  • Tools-hand and power
  • Welding
  • Electrical
  • Scaffolding
  • Fall protection
  • Cranes and rigging
  • Motor vehicles
  • Excavation
  • Concrete construction
  • Steel erection
  • Underground construction
  • Demolition
  • Blasting
  • Stairways and ladders

  • 29 CFR 1926 Construction Industry Safety Standard (provided by UT Arlington)

*Price change effective January 1, 2025.

Fee: $650.00

Associated General Contractors Houston Houston, TX

AGC Houston Emblem

Associated General Contractors - Houston Chapter

Associated General Contractors - Houston Chapter
3825 Dacoma Street
Houston, TX 77092-8717
Main: (713) 843-3700

Host Site Contact: Brenda Ward, Building Services Coordinator
Phone: (713) 843-3741

Call 866-906-9190 to Register

Parking: Parking is prohibited around The Westfall Group building that shares an entrance to the parking lot. It is recommended that students park along the fence line on the back perimeter of the AGC building.

Discounted Hotel Booking Rates: Several hotels provide AGC Houston members and associates with a discounted member rate.

Quintin Jones

Quintin has nearly 30 years of experience in Occupational Safety and Health. He has been performing Safety, Health and Environmental training for the past 14 years, in addition to performing audits and inspections on safety/health and environmental projects in both private and public sectors. Quintin is a Certified Safety Professional and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and a Masters in Business Administration.

K M Coordinator


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