
Excel Courses:

Excel: Basic Everyday Excel
8 Hours | $299
Excel: Beyond the Basics
8 Hours | $299
Excel: Advanced FUNCTIONS
8 Hours | $299
Excel: Charts and Graphs Made Easy
8 Hours | $299
Excel: Macros and Beginning Visual Basics
8 Hours | $299
Excel: Skills for Business - Data Analytics
8 Hours | $299
Excel: Pivot Tables
8 Hours | $299

Click on the courses below for course description and further details.

Click the course Title link for more information.

Course NameMeetsBeginsEndsFee
Excel: Advanced FUNCTIONSTu & Th : 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM03/04/2503/06/25299.00
Excel: Advanced FUNCTIONSTu & Th : 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM07/08/2507/10/25299.00
Excel: Charts and Graphs Made EasyTu & Th : 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM03/25/2503/27/25299.00
Excel: Charts and Graphs Made EasyTu & Th : 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM07/22/2507/24/25299.00
Excel: Macros and Beginning Visual BasicsTu & Th : 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM04/08/2504/10/25299.00
Excel: Macros and Beginning Visual BasicsTu & Th : 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM08/05/2508/07/25299.00
Excel: Skills for Business - Data AnalysisTu & Th : 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM04/29/2505/01/25299.00
Excel: Skills for Business - Data AnalysisTu & Th : 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM08/19/2508/21/25299.00
Excel: Pivot TablesTu & Th : 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM05/13/2505/15/25299.00
Excel: Beyond the BasicsSa : 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM03/22/2503/22/25299.00
Excel: Beyond the BasicsSa : 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM06/21/2506/21/25299.00
Excel: Basic Everyday ExcelSa : 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM03/08/2503/08/25299.00
Excel: Basic Everyday ExcelSa : 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM06/14/2506/14/25299.00
Excel: Pivot TablesTu & Th : 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM09/09/2509/11/25299.00
Excel: Basic Everyday ExcelSa : 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM09/20/2509/20/25299.00

Click the course Title link for more information.

Administrative Assistant with Microsoft Office 2019Online2995.00
Certified Administrative Assistant & Professional BookkeeperOnline4495.00
Administrative Assistant & Professional Bookkeeping with QuickBooksOnline3995.00
Accounting and Bookkeeping StudiesOnline2895.00
Certified Professional BookkeeperOnline3295.00
Professional Bookkeeping with QuickBooksOnline3195.00
QuickBooks Pro (Voucher included)Online1695.00
Certificate in Finance EssentialsOnline495.00
Adobe Creative CloudOnline1595.00
Certificate in Data AnalyticsOnline995.00
Accounting Fundamentals IIOnline139.00
Accounting Fundamentals SeriesOnline240.00
Accounting with MS Excel 2019 SuiteOnline505.00
Accounting with QuickBooks Online SuiteOnline490.00
Accounting FundamentalsOnline139.00
Certified Bookkeeper (Exam Cost Included)Online2295.00
Certified Financial Health Counselor (Exam Included)Online2095.00
Certified Credit Counselor and Certified Financial Health Counselor (Exam Included)Online3295.00
Professional Bookkeeping with QuickBooks OnlineOnline2295.00
Professional Bookkeeping with QuickBooks Online (Voucher Included)Online2475.00
Professional Bookkeeping with QuickBooks Online and Payroll Practice and ManagementOnline3595.00
Senior Professional in Human Resources with Payroll Practice and ManagementOnline3445.00
Certified Bookkeeper with Microsoft Excel (Exam Cost Included)Online2595.00
Accounts Payable Manager Certification - Exam Cost IncludedOnline1395.00
Executive Assistant with Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Expert (Vouchers Included)Online5295.00
Payroll Practice and Management with Microsoft ExcelOnline2395.00
Payroll Practice and Management with Microsoft Excel - Voucher IncludedOnline2495.00
Certified Internal Auditor with Microsoft ExcelOnline1295.00
Certified Internal Auditor with Microsoft Excel - Voucher IncludedOnline1395.00
Accounts Payable Specialist Certification with Microsoft ExcelOnline1795.00
Accounts Payable Specialist Certification with Microsoft Excel - Voucher IncludedOnline1895.00
Certified Bookkeeper with Microsoft Excel - Exam Cost and Voucher IncludedOnline2895.00
Chartered Tax Professional with Microsoft ExcelOnline2295.00
Chartered Tax Professional with Microsoft Excel - Voucher IncludedOnline2395.00
Payroll ManagerOnline3395.00
Human Resource ManagerOnline3795.00
Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 Certification Training - Voucher IncludedOnline750.00
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Associate Certification Training (Vouchers Included)Online2095.00
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Expert Certification Training (Voucher Included)Online2845.00
Accounting Fundamentals (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Accounting Fundamentals II (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online139.00
Advanced Microsoft Excel 2019/Office 365 (Self-Paced Tutorial)Online155.00

These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.


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